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  3. Top Tips for Re-opening

Reopening creates so many challenges while also providing operators with the chance to review their business models. LBP�s top tips can provide much needed guidance before doors are reopened and customers are welcomed.

Firstly, guidance from the UK Government�and the�Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH)�must be understood. From there, an in-depth business plan can consider availability of ingredients, food eco-packaging and cleaning products before a re-opening date is scheduled. With dates confirmed, make sure the public knows you�re re-opening � use social media, local radio or leaflet drops to spread the word. Once back on site, social distancing measures and an increased cleaning routine are paramount to reduce the spread of Covid-19. Contact must be minimised and all surfaces must be frequently sanitised thoroughly. The use of PPE, from masks, to gloves and visors can also be used as a tool to reduce Covid-19 spreading. Encouraging staff and guests to regularly wash and sanitiser their hands is also extremely important in your post-lockdown foodservice operation.

For any enquiries regarding sustainable takeaway packaging and the additional products essential for foodservice operations, drop an email to rders@londonbiopackaging.com or call 020 7471 3700.


Administrator on 17 July 2020 12:00 AM

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