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  3. Are you ready for the single-use plastic ban?
plastic ban preview

From 1 October 2023 there will be additional bans and restrictions on single-use plastic items to include a ban on all SUP cutlery and Expanded Polystyrene containers. This initiative aims to address the environmental concerns associated with the use and disposal of single-use plastics. The ban encompasses a range of items including polystyrene cups and food containers, single-use plastic cutlery, and single-use balloon sticks. Additionally, there will be restrictions on the distribution of single-use plastic trays and bowls to the general public however, businesses can still distribute these items if they are being used as packaging for shelf-ready & pre-packaged food items.

If you’d like to discuss how the single-use plastics ban will affect you, our experts are on hand to assist B2B food service businesses, including independent owner operators, navigate the new laws and to ensure that all our customers are fully aware of the legislation coming into force from the 1st of October.

Our aim is to inform industry stakeholders, including retailers, suppliers, and manufacturers, about the forthcoming changes. With many of these single use items continuing to be used on the high street it’s important to ensure your business is abreast of the all the new rules to avoid any potential fines and sanctions enforced by local trading standards.

So, what’s banned from October 1?

It is illegal to continue to use plastic cutlery and Expanded polystyrene containers from October 1. This means it’s finally time to say goodbye to the late night takeaway EPS containers and convert over to a sustainable alternative made from recyclable material like our Expanded Polypropylene Infinity Clamshells.

You also won’t be able to use up existing stocks after the ban comes into force and fines will be issued by Trading Standards if the packaging is being used.

The ban covers the following:

  • Single-use plastic cutlery including CPLA.
  • Expanded and extruded polystyrene food and drinks containers.
  • Expanded and extruded polystyrene cups.
  • Single-use plastic balloon sticks.
  • Confusion

    Information surrounding the ban to date has not been very clear or very visible. Limited government resources have been deployed to ensure businesses of all sizes have been made aware of these changes. No national media campaign has been created and the general public are largely unaware that the law is changing sparking some concern that it will be the hospitality staff that will be on the end of any backlash.

    As featured in Radio 4’s You and Yours programme on August 14, the ban and this lack of information continues to caused confusion. What is important to know is that it’s the business’s responsibility to act if it uses or has stock of the affected products.

    How does the ban affect Tri-Star Customers?

    As a business to business operator servicing the entire UK we’ve already got you covered. Any products that are on the banned list will be removed from sale in advance of the bans so you can continue to make your purchases as usual. With some specific product bans already in place in Scotland and Wales, we’re well versed in the legislation and how we can help you find the best alternatives.

    Tri-Star Packaging stock the largest range of sustainable food to go packaging and can help you navigate the changes you need to make, easily and efficiently, using our vast experience and expertise.

    Polystyrene food & drink containers

    From October 1, you must not supply ready-to-consume food and drink in polystyrene containers. This includes in polystyrene cups.

    Alternatives are available in the form of ‘Infinity’ expanded polypropylene containers.

    Cardboard Containers and Clamshells

    Bagasse Containers and Clamshells

    Plastic cutlery

    From October 1, it will be illegal to supply single-use plastic cutlery to customers. This includes compostable CPLA Cutlery.

    The best alternatives to plastic cutlery can be found here:

    Wood and bamboo cutlery

    Paper cutlery

    Reviewing your packaging choices

    For any business affected by the impending single-use plastic ban, we’re already prepared with a product offer made from a selection of compostable, renewable and recyclable materials that will help replace affected items.

    We’re here to help

    If you’re a business confused by the legislation and would like to talk to our team of experts, without obligation, please get in touch.


    Administrator on 3 October 2023 10:00 AM

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