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  3. Top 4 Food & Drink Trends 2021

This article can be originally found on Continental Chef Supplies The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed the food and drink industry as well as consumer behaviour – due to these unprecedented times it is extremely difficult to predict the food and drink trends that we can expect this year. The state of our climate will be driving the way that consumers spend their money now and after the pandemic, with 32% of adults opting to cook at home rather than eating out at restaurants once life goes back to normal. We have put together the food and drink trends that we think may occur this year:-

At Home-Dining

With many restaurants closed, consumers are resulting to home cooking which is allowing Brits to become more experimental in the kitchen or helping a local business by using a food delivery service. We are likely to see this trend last for the rest of 2021 whilst COVID-19 concerns continue to loom, which will then see the continuation of rising supermarket sales. For those who are eager to experience restaurant food, meal kits will be the replacement with businesses such as Gousto who have seen a 115% grow in sales since the pandemic started.

Plant-Based Diets

In light of Veganuary, we are predicting that the shift in diets will stick. Food Manufacture have stated that “Vegan diets have become more attractive to consumers during the COVID-19 pandemic and in particular to a quarter (25%) of young British millennials, new research from Mintel revealed”. If consumers continue to opt for a plant-based diet, we can then see a drastic change in restaurant menus once reopened to cater for their needs. A huge breakthrough for the food and drink industry is supermarket brand Tesco; they have set a target of 300% increase in sales of plant-based alternatives to meat, as the demand for chilled meat-free food rises.Plant Based


A growing trend throughout 2021 as businesses hope to build more trust with customers. Consumer behaviour continues to change with more people searching for sustainable and ethical food. Innova Market Insights believe that “transparency will be one of the top trends for the food and drink industry in 2021, with six in 10 global consumers interested in learning more about where foods come from.” Clean label ingredients are a form of transparency, this is simpler and less ingredients that allow consumers to see whether what they are consuming are processed ingredients. In October 2021, Natasha’s Law will come into place, compelling businesses to clearly label all ingredient and allergens on products. This means that eating out will be considered easier when you are on the search for cleaner and healthier foods.


The COVID-19 pandemic caused businesses to abruptly close which left them with masses of food that were wasted. Morrisons were a noteable exception to this when they reportedly saved 100 tonnes of food from going to waste with Too Good To Go partnershipToo Good To Go fights food waste primarily through their app, that connects users with stores and restaurants that have unsold surplus food at the end of the day. Two million boxes of unsold food have been saved in the UK from well-known food retailers including Morrisons, Yo Sushi, Costa and Paul. The pandemic has made more consumers aware of how much they waste. According to a survey that Too Good to Go ran, “nine out of 10 adults are more aware of how much food they are wasting during lockdown and over a third are throwing out less food than before the COVID-19 crisis struck


Administrator on 6 January 2021 10:00 AM

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