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  3. Simple Steps to Keeping Your Kitchen Safe through Reopening

With lockdown lifting and Spring/Summer menus to launch, your kitchen and chef team have a lot to think about!

Now’s the time to start getting your kitchen ready and taking steps to keep your kitchen safe and open for business.

So, what can you do?

Food prep, team safety, kitchen cleanliness as well as equipment should be thought about. A kitchen can be vulnerable to all sorts of harmful bacteria, from raw or unwashed food, on contaminated packaging to employees. Once in your kitchen, germs can survive on a surface, including your equipment, for several days, particularly if they are not destroyed by effective cleaning and sanitising.

This is where the right equipment is so important and small changes in your kitchen can make a big difference! Including cardboard cutter boxes.

In the grand scheme of things, wrap might feel like a small detail but, when you think about how much you use daily – 81% of chefs, caterers and F&B Managers say cling film is an essential tool – then these flimsy, tangled rolls can quickly become a big problem in an otherwise hygienic kitchen.

Cardboard cutter boxes are serious bacteria offenders, they harbour germs and easily cause cross-contamination in your kitchen when passed from chef to chef.

Food safety experts recommend you use a professional dispensing system, such as a Wrapmaster. Its hard plastic casing protects your wrap from spills and dirt and can be quickly wiped with sanitiser spray to eliminate germs.  Plus, it can be 100% disinfected in a commercial dishwasher ready for the next service, something we don’t recommend you try with your cutter box!

Just as importantly it’s safer for your team too. Wrapmaster has a concealed blade which removes the risk of cuts to fingers and hands, and its fast and easy cutting system makes light work of wrapping, so you can wrap safely.

It’s easy to see why Wrapmaster is quickly becoming the essential piece of kit for kitchens and a staggering 93% of chefs think Wrapmaster dispensers are safer and more hygienic to use than cardboard cutter boxes*.

Still need convincing. This blacklight video will do it! See what happens when kitchen-enemy number one, the cardboard cutterbox goes under a blacklight!


Get Ready for relaxation of restrictions

To help  kitchens get ready, Wrapmaster’s new food safety hub has all you need to know when it comes to hygiene and keeping your chef team safe.

WRAPSAFE brings together consumer insight and top advice from Covid-19 food safety experts, Safer Food Scores on the best hygiene practices for kitchens after lockdown. There are videos offering simple and practical advice when it comes to food prep, team safety, catering equipment, as well as kitchen cleanliness. Plus, a free downloadable WRAPSAFE guide which has everything you need to get ready for the big re-opening!

For more information on Wrapmaster and WRAPSAFE click here


Administrator on 21 June 2021 10:00 AM

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