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  3. Safe Social Distancing

As part of the governments measures to help battle the spread of Covid 19 we are all being asked to do our bit and be ultra-vigilant to minimise the transmission of the virus.

The introduction of social distancing is one of the most effective ways to achieve this with the government guidance to maintain a distance of at least 2 meters between individuals being adopted across the world.

This advice applies to both inside the food business and in the external public areas where customers may need to queue.

The practical implementation of this advice will depend on the local circumstances. This may be best evaluated by the store manager, however a few general indicators may be relevant to the majority of retail outlets:

Part of the suggested government guidance on this is to use floor markings inside the commercial spaces to facilitate compliance with the social distancing advice of 2 metres, particularly in the most crowded areas, such as serving counters and tills.

Tri-Star Packaging have developed a 300mm floor sticker to clearly set out 2m gaps between customers and maintain a safe social distance in store. Stickers are in packs of 10 and available now.

For more information please call  please call 020 8443 9100 or

email enquiries@jamesw230.sg-host.com


Administrator on 30 April 2020 10:00 AM

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