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  3. London Coffee Festival 2019 Was A Hit!

London Coffee Festival 2019 Was a Hit!

-Wow - what a weekend! On Thursday and Friday, we met so many cafes and restaurants ready to become eco-warriors. And on Saturday and Sunday, we were overwhelmed by how many every day people like you and me who are committed to doing better for the planet.

Our team left each evening feeling inspired and motivated. There's so much drive out there to make a difference. So many people, young and old, come by to share the efforts they make for the planet. We were truly stunned by the passion. And we're going to admit it: we felt hope.

Hope for the future, hope in humanity, and hope that sustainability is now the rule and not the exception.

The best part of the whole event? Because of all our new friends, we reached our goal - we will be going out and planting 300 trees for London! That's HUGE! Last year, we planted about 211 trees because of London Coffee Festival - so our work is cut out for us this year. But don’t worry - we're up for the challenge.

Thanks again to all of our new friends and partners for the support!

Be sure to follow us on social media to keep up with our planting efforts! @LondonBio


Administrator on 3 April 2019 3:28 AM

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